Purrfectly Pink

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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I've Been Watching Too Many Scary Movies!!!

Well it seems that I must be watching too many scary movies lately...or that my brain is malfunctioning maybe. Last night I dreamed that Bob and I were on our way to Disneyland and got in a fight. He drove me into the worst ghetto part of L.A. and told me to get out of his car. So, I did, and he drove off. I wasn't too worried because I have family in Pasadena and I had my cell phone so I figured they could pick me up. But of course my cell went wacko and was all scrambled up so I could not see the numbers in my contact list, nor could I dial anyone. There were a bunch of low-lifes all around me and I suddenly became scared. Luckily Bob (the real Bob, not the dream meany one) woke me out of my nightmare by asking me if I was getting up to get ready for work. Of course I was mad at him upon waking because I thought he did me wrong by leaving me in a gang zone.

I've no idea why I would ever have a dream like that about him. He has treated me better than any boyfriend ever. I did have a boyfriend that dropped me off and left, but luckily he dropped me off at my house and took off. Anyway, that dream was weirdness. I think the obscene phone calls I received yesterday traumatized me. Bob says I am a "crazy magnet." Now what does that tell me about him? Teehee.

On a better note, I lost two pounds! Although I pigged out a couple times, I mostly stuck to salads, soups, yogurt, etc. I might just be able to keep that New Year's resolution to shed some extra pounds! And so far I've kept the one about reading the Bible daily. And maybe I should make updating my blog a resolution! I think I took too many vitamins today...I seem overly zealous to take on the world! Go me!


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